Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Oracle Tuning for linking local table with remote table over DBLink
When we are working with multiple applications on Oracle, there might be a need to link those applications together. One of the way to integrate them is though bank end DB Link.
There is one technique I would like to introduce to help on the DBLink performance. This little tuning tip will help a lot when you join the tables from both side of the DBLink.
When we join 2 or more tables from both end of the DBLink and the query is executed, the data will be executed with back-and-forth behaviour. This will cause the pain in your query performance. In case of the table on the remote is very large and the local table is smaller, the helping tips is using oracle hint /*+DRIVING_SITE (remote_table_alias)*/. Where remote_table_alias is the table alias on the remote side.
I have come across the Oracle tuning technique that might help us over DBLink.
There might be some scenario that we need to join local table with remote table over DBLink, the driving_site hint might help us with the performance. Please take a look at the example below:
select /*+DRIVING_SITE(r)*/
r.key, r.code,
remote_table@dblink r
tiny_local_table l,
r.key = l.key;
The driving_site hint will operate the join and sorting on the remote site with this scenario.
However, this technique will not work with create table as select (CTAS) and with create materialized view syntax.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Disable table indexes to boost up performance when doing insertion
There is pro and con for having indexes on the table.
The pro is when you use select statement indexes will help boost up the query. However, when you do DML statement (insert, update, delete) you might run into performance issue.
The work around of this when you need to insert a lot of data is just don’t use the indexes when you do the insertion. In other words, disable the indexes or make the indexes as unusable.
When you try to run the following command,
Alter Index . Disable;
you may run into the error
The solution for this is using the following command to mark the index unusable.
alter index your_index unusable;
alter index your_index rebuild [online];
If you still experience failure when executing DML after mark the index unusable.
You need to change parameter “skip_unusable_indexes” to true.
Use the following command to check if this parameter value is false or true.
show parameter skip_unusable_indexes;If it is false then change it to true by running the following command. alter session set skip_unusable_indexes = true;Note: If you are using 10g you cannot mark unusable unique index and insert the data.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
How to Boot Up Your Oracle Performance
This is a good Oracle Performance Tuning video I have came across on youtube. This is a good video for both Developer and DBA. The presenter gave a very good and clear explanation. This is one of the Oracle tutorial series from the same presenter.
There were 2 different type of tuning that were discussed in this video System Tuning and SQL Tuning. Roughly, System Tuning involves the appropriate system parameters configuration and SQL Tuning involves the individual SQL statement tuning.
Here are what were introduced in this video:
System Tuning
There were 2 different type of tuning that were discussed in this video System Tuning and SQL Tuning. Roughly, System Tuning involves the appropriate system parameters configuration and SQL Tuning involves the individual SQL statement tuning.
Here are what were introduced in this video:
System Tuning
- Tuning log (redo log) switches
- pga_aggregate target (9i)
- Tuning advisors (views hints)
- Pinning packages in memory
- Statspack
- Indexes
- Oracle Optimizer
- Explain Plan
- Hints
- Stored Outlines
Oracle tutorial PL/SQL Basics
I came a cross one video on PL/SQL tutorial, and it is a good one. This video give us picture of what oracle PL/SQL is with the very clear and simple presentation. This is a very recommended video for PL/SQL newbie. What were talked on the video were:
- Why PL SQL?
- Types of PL/SQL Code
- Data types - Variables
- Statements control flow
- Cursors
- Exception handling
Saturday, August 17, 2013
I came across this basic Oracle Explain Plan fundamental tutorial on Youtube. The explain plan is the basic knowledge that the developers and DBAs may consider getting to understand.
The presenter in this video tutorial gave the theory and then went through the explain plan demonstration. What were presented in this tutorial were:
Enjoy your watch.
The presenter in this video tutorial gave the theory and then went through the explain plan demonstration. What were presented in this tutorial were:
- Understand of Basic Explain Plan.
- How to setup Oracle Explain Plan and how to use it.
- Understand the Explain PLAN_TABLE, DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY
- How to generate and View Explain Plan
- How to read and interpret basic Explain Plan
- What is the limitation of the Explain Plan
Enjoy your watch.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
ORA-28001: the password has expired
When you encounter an oracle error ORA-28001: the password has expired and you do not have sysdba priviledge, here is how to handle it.
What you need is sqlplus, which is located in ORACLE_HOME/bin. The step to resolve this are:
1. Login to you account by using sqlplus in command prompt
c:\sqlplus or $sqlplus
2. Enter your user and the service
Enter user-name: user@service
3. Enter your password when prompted to do so, and you will get the error ORA-28001
Enter password:
ORA-28001: the password has expired
ORA-28001: the password has expired
4. Then it will prompt for password change, you need to enter your new password twice.
Changing password for user
New password:
Retype new password:
Password changed
New password:
Retype new password:
Password changed
Then you will be able to login to the system.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
How to check if your installed oracle client is 32bit or 64bit
The easy way to check the installed oracle client version in windows operating system:
The first way to check is checking from sqlplus binary.
1. Run sqlplus in command line, and leave it prompting for user name as shown below

2. Check oracle version from windows task manager:

If the process shows "sqlplus.exe*32" as in the picture then it's the 32bit version client. If it shows "sqlplus.exe" then it's the 62bit version client.
The second way is checking from installation log:
The path of the installation lies on [ORACLE BASE]\product\11.2.0\client_1\cfgtoollogs\oui\, and the file name starts with installActions with log as an extension; for example installActions2013-07-11_03-08-26PM.log.
Here is what you have to do to check the installed oracle version:
1. Open the oracle client installation log.
2. Search for the keyword oracle_install_architecture. If you see the number as 32 then it is 32bit version client and if it is 64 then it is 64bit client. The example below shows that the installed oracle is oracle client 32bit version..

The first way to check is checking from sqlplus binary.
1. Run sqlplus in command line, and leave it prompting for user name as shown below
2. Check oracle version from windows task manager:
If the process shows "sqlplus.exe*32" as in the picture then it's the 32bit version client. If it shows "sqlplus.exe" then it's the 62bit version client.
The second way is checking from installation log:
The path of the installation lies on [ORACLE BASE]\product\11.2.0\client_1\cfgtoollogs\oui\, and the file name starts with installActions with log as an extension; for example installActions2013-07-11_03-08-26PM.log.
Here is what you have to do to check the installed oracle version:
1. Open the oracle client installation log.
2. Search for the keyword oracle_install_architecture. If you see the number as 32 then it is 32bit version client and if it is 64 then it is 64bit client. The example below shows that the installed oracle is oracle client 32bit version..
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Understanding Shared Pool Memory Structures: Tips on How to Optimize Usage and Avoid Errors
The Oracle shared pool provides critical services for sharing of complex objects among large numbers of users. Prior to 10g R1, DBAs often spent much time learning about the shared pool memory management to configure and tune shared pool usage; with the tight time constraints and ever-changing workloads, many found this task daunting. The Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) features introduced in 10gR1 solved this problem by providing the DBA a simple, automatic self-tuning mechanism for configuring shared memory components of the SGA, including the buffer cache and shared pool. The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (also introduced in 10gR1) further simplified shared pool related tuning efforts by providing automatic diagnosis and recommendations for application specific issues.
More information :
Below are the video to help you understand more on Oracle Database Architecture.
More information :
Below are the video to help you understand more on Oracle Database Architecture.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
ORA-06530: Reference to uninitialized composite
ORA-06530: Reference to uninitialized composite
ORA-06512: at "PROCEDURE/PACKAGE", line 88
ORA-06512: at "PROCEDURE/PACKAGE", line 446
ORA-06512: at line 11
06530. 00000 - "Reference to uninitialized composite"
*Cause: An object, LOB, or other composite was referenced as a
left hand side without having been initialized.
*Action: Initialize the composite with an appropriate constructor
or whole-object assignment.
This error would be found when using oracle collection table type, and trying to assign the value to the collect. When compiling the code, it would be fine. But, when execute the package/procedure, you will have this error message.
The error caused when trying to extend the define table type object without being initialized. See the scenario below:
(tst_id number,
tst_name VARCHAR2(50));
CREATE TYPE tab_test AS TABLE OF obj_test;
l_tab_tst tab_test := tab_test();
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_id := 22;
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_name := 'TEST';
when no_data_found then
To fix this, simply add initialized object line as shown below:
l_tab_tst tab_test := tab_test();
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last) := type_supplier(NULL, NULL);
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_id := 22;
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_name := 'TEST';
when no_data_found then
ORA-06512: at "PROCEDURE/PACKAGE", line 88
ORA-06512: at "PROCEDURE/PACKAGE", line 446
ORA-06512: at line 11
06530. 00000 - "Reference to uninitialized composite"
*Cause: An object, LOB, or other composite was referenced as a
left hand side without having been initialized.
*Action: Initialize the composite with an appropriate constructor
or whole-object assignment.
This error would be found when using oracle collection table type, and trying to assign the value to the collect. When compiling the code, it would be fine. But, when execute the package/procedure, you will have this error message.
The error caused when trying to extend the define table type object without being initialized. See the scenario below:
(tst_id number,
tst_name VARCHAR2(50));
CREATE TYPE tab_test AS TABLE OF obj_test;
l_tab_tst tab_test := tab_test();
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_id := 22;
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_name := 'TEST';
when no_data_found then
To fix this, simply add initialized object line as shown below:
l_tab_tst tab_test := tab_test();
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last) := type_supplier(NULL, NULL);
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_id := 22;
l_tab_tst(l_tab_tst.last).tst_name := 'TEST';
when no_data_found then
ORA-06052: PL/SQL: numeric or value error on PL/SQL Collections First and Last
The error ORA-06052: PL/SQL: numeric or value error would be found when using for loop on the type collection object, as shown below, and the collection is empty:
FOR i IN type_variable.FIRST..t_variable.LAST LOOP
----your code
End Loop ;
When the collection is not empty, error ORA-06052: PL/SQL: numeric or value error would not be found.
This is because FIRST and LAST return the first and last (smallest and largest) index numbers in a collection that uses integer subscripts.
Use FOR i IN 1..t_variable.count instead of FOR i IN type_variable.FIRST..t_variable.LAST , and also apply exception block.
FOR i IN 1..t_variable.count
----your code
End Loop;
-- error handling code
The error ORA-06052: PL/SQL: numeric or value error would be found when using for loop on the type collection object, as shown below, and the collection is empty:
FOR i IN type_variable.FIRST..t_variable.LAST LOOP
----your code
End Loop ;
When the collection is not empty, error ORA-06052: PL/SQL: numeric or value error would not be found.
This is because FIRST and LAST return the first and last (smallest and largest) index numbers in a collection that uses integer subscripts.
Use FOR i IN 1..t_variable.count instead of FOR i IN type_variable.FIRST..t_variable.LAST , and also apply exception block.
FOR i IN 1..t_variable.count
----your code
End Loop;
-- error handling code
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Migrate SUSE Linux to Oracle Linux
If you are thinking of migrating your SUSE to Oracle Linux, there are things to think of and things to be prepared before you do it.
The preinstallation process and pro installation process need to be prepared. Below is the link to get information on the migration. Please read it before you do it.
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Reason to Upgrade to Oracle 11g Release 2
If you are using Oracle 9i, 10g, and decide to move forward to use 11g, below are what will you get form the 11g R2 upgrade:-
Oracle Database 11g Release 2, the latest release of the award-winning Oracle
Database 11g, enables IT professionals to deliver more information with higher quality of
service, make more-efficient use of their budgets, and reduce the risk of change in
datacenters. By deploying Oracle Database 11g Release 2 as their data management
foundation, organizations can utilize the full power of the world’s leading database to
• Reduce server costs by a factor of 5.
• Reduce storage requirements by a factor of 10.
• Improve mission-critical system performance by a factor of 10.
• Increase DBA and developer productivity by a factor of 2.
• Maximize availability and eliminate idle redundancy.
• Maximize security and enable compliance.
• Simplify their overall IT software portfolio.
For more information, please visit
Oracle Database 11g Release 2, the latest release of the award-winning Oracle
Database 11g, enables IT professionals to deliver more information with higher quality of
service, make more-efficient use of their budgets, and reduce the risk of change in
datacenters. By deploying Oracle Database 11g Release 2 as their data management
foundation, organizations can utilize the full power of the world’s leading database to
• Reduce server costs by a factor of 5.
• Reduce storage requirements by a factor of 10.
• Improve mission-critical system performance by a factor of 10.
• Increase DBA and developer productivity by a factor of 2.
• Maximize availability and eliminate idle redundancy.
• Maximize security and enable compliance.
• Simplify their overall IT software portfolio.
For more information, please visit
Friday, September 14, 2012
How many database Indexes is too many?
Having a lot of indexes on your table will affect the performance of your table either bad side or good side. It depends on what operation you use most.
Index will help fasten your query, and at the same time might slow your query down. When you do a lot of insertion, update, deletion based on the index columns, this will slow the query down. On the other hand, it will also help with select statement.
So how many indexes you should have just depends on the characteristic of statement you will use. If you have a lot of insert, update, delete statement, then too many indexes is not so good. While having most of query as select statement, then it is worth having many of them.
Monday, April 16, 2012
ORA-06512: at line
ORA-06512: at stringline string
Cause: Backtrace message as the stack is unwound by unhandled exceptions.
Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. Or you may need to contact your application administrator or DBA.
Cause: Backtrace message as the stack is unwound by unhandled exceptions.
Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. Or you may need to contact your application administrator or DBA.
Friday, November 25, 2011
For Loop in PL/SQL
One of the statement in oracle I use most is for loop in pl/sql. This for loop is very handy to use and the basic statement comes like this:
for variable in 1..x
end loop;
The reverse loop statement is:
The example code comes like this
For in pl/sql could also work with cursor, this make handy as I said before. I like to use for loop in pl/sql with cursor so I don't have open and close the cursor, the for loop will do it automatically. Here is how for loop in pl/sql works:
for c_cur in (select statement)
end loop;
for c_cur in c_name
end loop;
Where c_name is the declared cursor and c_cur is the variable (you don't need to declare it).
For example:
for c_cur in (select a, b from tab_x)
insert into tab_y values(c_cur.a, c_cur.b);
end loop;
for c_cur in declared_cursor
insert into tab_y values(c_cur.a, c_cur.b);
end loop;
for variable in 1..x
end loop;
The reverse loop statement is:
for variable in reverse 1..x
end loop;
for v_cnt in 1 .. 100
insert into table_x (pk, text) values (v_cnt, 'count_' || v_cnt);
end loop;
for v_cnt in reverse 1 .. 100
insert into table_x (pk, text) values (v_cnt, 'count_' || v_cnt);
end loop;
for c_cur in (select statement)
end loop;
for c_cur in c_name
end loop;
Where c_name is the declared cursor and c_cur is the variable (you don't need to declare it).
For example:
for c_cur in (select a, b from tab_x)
insert into tab_y values(c_cur.a, c_cur.b);
end loop;
for c_cur in declared_cursor
insert into tab_y values(c_cur.a, c_cur.b);
end loop;