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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oracle 10g step by step installation video on windows platform

I've just found a good tutorial video on how to install Oracle 10g step by step on windows platform from There are 4 videos altogether. These 4 video are a a basic oracle installation good for oracle newbie. Have a look for yourself.

Step by step guide on installation oracle 10g database part I

Step by step guide on installation oracle 10g database part II

Step by step guide on installation oracle 10g database part III

Step by step guide on installation oracle 10g database part IV

Friday, April 25, 2008

Testing Oracle 10g RAC Scalability

I have just found a good video on youtube about Oracle 10g RAC Scalability, This video is very informative. If you are considering of deploying Oracle RAC on your organization this is a cool one to watch. Below is the detail I grab from youtube video description:

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) offer businesses the ability to create an environment where more than one database server, or node, can be setup to manage an Oracle database. Organizations often face multiple challenges when implementing RAC and maintaining RAC configurations, including:

Determining how many database servers are needed for sustained optimal
performance in a cluster
Defining the proper testing methodology of a cluster configuration for load testing, scalability and availability
This Webcast will provide you with:

A proven methodology for determining the most optimal configuration for your Oracle RAC environment.
A real-world scenario in which Quest's solutions were leveraged for Oracle RAC to conduct diagnostic and benchmark tests on Oracle Real Application Clusters.

and the video is here you don't have to leave to youtube to watch it, just click on the play icon.

Video Title: Testing Oracle 10g RAC Scalability.
Time: 35.49 minutes.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ora Tip: How much did you assign your memory for oracle sga and pga?

If you want to know how much does your oracle database taking up memory for SGA and PGA just login to your oracle database with the following command on the command prompt

if you can access to the server physically or remotely
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

otherwise use this command

sqlplus "sys@ora_service as sysdba"

SQL>show SGA
you would see something like the following lines but difference on number.

Total System Global Area 209235968 bytes
Fixed Size 1298920 bytes
Variable Size 109055512 bytes
Database Buffers 96468992 bytes
Redo Buffers 2412544 bytes

this is how your system Global Area taking your memory space every time your database is running.

to see what is your SGA size just run the following command

SQL>show parameter pga

and you would get the folloing result

pga_aggregate_target big integer 75M

this is how much your pga consume your memory.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

TNS-12535: TNS:operation timed out

There might be sometime that when you try to connect to Oracle Server and you get the error "TNS-12535: TNS:operation timed out". It seem that the server does not exist or the listener does not start or both of them. The first thing you need to have a look is
the tnsnames.ora which could be found at
- $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin for unix like OS ie. every distribute of Linux, Solaris etc.
- ..\oracle\product\10.2.0\ for Windows Platform

in this tnsnames.ora will look like this

ora_service_name =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ORA_Server)(PORT = 1521))

there are 2 things you need to have a look there.

The first one is to check if your Ora_SID is correct, if you don't know please contact your dba admin and ask for it.

The Second thing you need to take a look at is the HOST part host/ip parth (HOST=....) this is where your oracle server is.

If both Ora_SID and HOST are correct then try to ping the server to see if you can reach the server (there might be the case that the network admin turn the ping port of for security reason though, in this case you are behind firewall).

To make sure if you are really behind the firewall try telnet the server with this syntax
telnet server_IP 1521 ( or whatever your Oracle listening port is). If you get the following error

Connecting To your server_ipd...Could not open connection to the host, on port 1521:
Connect failed

then 90% you are behind firewall, please contact your network administrator to turn the firewall on port 1521 on.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [19004],

If you ever come across the error code "ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [19004], [], []...." while running query ralated to any table, view, index
here is the solution for it

login to your oracle database using pl/sql tool

run the below command on the command prompt

1. in case of error on querying table

ANALYZE TABLE table_name delete statistics;

2. in case of error on querying view

put the command above with related tables in the view. i.e run analyze tables for each table that form that view.
